People with ADHD often struggle with starting tasks, staying focused, and keeping organized, which can impact their work and personal relationships. Despite being smart, some might not get diagnosed because they’ve managed well in school or work. Treatment aims to help them take control of their lives and includes medication, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), organizing strategies, and lifestyle changes like exercise and better sleep. The goal is to improve their ability to complete tasks, stay organized, and feel more confident in their abilities.


High-functioning autistics struggle with ADHD, anxiety, and feeling disconnected. Many are unaware they’re autistic, leading to challenges in social interactions and self-acceptance. Diagnosis, support, and lifestyle adjustments, including therapy and diet, can aid in embracing their identity and improving well-being.

LGBT+ Psychiatric Care

Therapy offers LGBT+ individuals a supportive space to explore identity, tackle stigma, and improve mental health through affirming practices and resilience-building, enhancing overall well-being. Medication may also help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

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